University of Cyprus
Dept. of Computer Science

EPL 441: Advanced Software Engineering

Schedule and Readings

Spring 2023


EPL441 | Course Contract | Schedule & Readings | Assignments |  What's New?

Helpful documents and other resources for the course

Lecture Notes

Section 1: Project Management Section 2: Interaction design basics Section 3: HCI in the software process
Section 4: Design rules Section 5: Implementation support Section 6: Evaluation techniques
Section 7: Universal design Section 8: User support Section 9: Software Reuse
Section 10: Component-based software engineering Section 11: Distributed software engineering Section 12: Service-oriented Software Engineering
Section 13: Systems of Systems Section 14: Real-time Software Engineering  

Past Mid-terms

There are no past mid-terms yet!

Past Finals

There are no past finals yet!


University of Cyprus
Department of Computer Science